Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lazy Day...

Pretty relaxing day today overall.... went into town to get a few things. Bought some amazing bread from a bakery here. So far I love the bread, the chocolate, the cheese, and the pretzels! Also went to a Starbucks and had some coffee there to try and keep warm. It's snowing and 30 degrees outside! We were all going to go out tonight but I guess all of us Californians can't take this extreme cold at times lol. Saw more black German boys today. SO STRANGE to hear them speaking in German! lol Tomorrow is going to be such a long day! hopefully i can get through it. Going on an all day tour of the city of Eiffel, Germany. Should be fun though! It's going to be so cold :( Will post pictures tomorrow! With Love...

Oh and these are pictures of DeAsia and I on the bus...with beer haha. We were so cold waiting for our bus we just bought a beer to keep warm - isnt that bizarre? We were laughing so hard! Everyone on the bus thought we were drunk but we were just laughing at the fact that we were drinking beer on a bus! haha That's how cold it is right now!

Everyone drinks beer everywhere here! Anyplace...anytime...we werent even the only ones with beer on the bus hahaha


  1. I am totally enjoying these pictures. The quaint towns, the cathedrals...and I have to admit I am cracking up at the beer photo! That's crazy that you can even drink beer in public! If you are really that cold you'd better take a cab or you'll end up attending German AA!

    I hoped your first dayu at the University goes well. I love you so much! Remember Dr. MLK when you're over there. We all miss you so much Lauren

  2. This is wonderful to see you are having such an awsome time. I pray for you daily! Keep those pictures coming.. hey that isn't a beer is it? Don't make me come after you.. or wait.. yes please do, I want to see Europe too!! Love you.. Darlene
